Morris School District Returns to School - Morristown Colonial Nation

Morris School District Returns to School


On September 8, the 2020-2021 Morris School District school year officially began with hybrid instruction for all Pre-K through 12th grade students in all ten schools. As with any new school year, many felt a mix of excitement and nervousness wondering what this new school year would look like.

It was a tough summer with unprecedented challenges put forth that staff worked tirelessly to resolve to make this year’s return to school a positive and healthy experience. Given the restrictions and safety protocols put in place by the state due to COVID-19, the District was still able to allow all elementary school students to elect to attend each day, with students at Frelinghuysen Middle School and Morristown High School attending on a two-day on, two-day off plan to allow social distancing throughout the day.

Knowing the return to school would be a much-needed celebration, the Morris Educational Foundation reached out to students and families to give them the opportunity to acknowledge our extraordinary teachers, staff, and administrators by submitting words to describe them. The submissions were incredibly reflective of the ideas and values shared throughout the District. Words like kind, caring and fun stood out as favorites, while compassionate, enlightening, and nurturing rang true as well.

These thoughtful words were used to create custom Messages of Gratitude banners that will be hung outside each school. “Seeing the Messages of Gratitude will be greatly appreciated when we enter each day," said a Morris School District staff member. "It's been an exhausting summer but I'm sure we will have renewed energy once we see the students again.”

The MEF and the MSD community are so grateful for our amazing staff members and their extraordinary efforts – especially during this time. With the many challenges that exist in our day to day lives, we hope the banners remind our teachers, staff, and administrators just how much the Morris School District community appreciates them!

To view all the Message of Gratitude banners created, follow the MEF on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

 Alfred Vail MOG

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